10 DevOps Trends You Need to Know About – Part 2
While using the best tools of the trade is essential for gaining the upper hand in any industry, knowing what DevOps trends are emerging is crucial in creating a long-term business strategy.
We have recently listed the 3 hottest DevOps trends of 2017 and now it’s time to describe 3 DevOps trends that are only emerging. While they are yet to gain traction, these trends will definitely shape the future of DevOps as a service.
Microservices will mature and become even more efficient
The trend to split monolithic applications to rather small and easily manageable microservices is strong and the interest to it was stable throughout 2017. The tools like Ansible or Docker continue to evolve and provide new possibilities for managing the microservices through containerization, building infrastructure as code, while Kubernetes will provide a way of convenient orchestration of the deployed containers.
Microservices are strongly supported in Java 8, with a great deal of effort devoted to working with them in Spring Boot, Spring Boot Actuator and Spring Cloud. Spring Boot also provides deep support for JSON, REST, OAUTH and integration patterns, thus empowering the ever deeper and more efficient use of microservices.
Kubernetes is the primary choice for container orchestration
Kubernetes eats the containers in droves, so Kubernetes-based PaaS solutions like OpenShift or Tectonic are thriving nowadays. As the market dinosaurs like Google AppEngine become somewhat less-relevant, the vendors shift to providing more container-oriented services, like Google Container Engine. The clash is now around providing the cheapest and feature-rich platforms for running containers in the cloud.
For example, IT Svit developed a neat little solution, an Ansible, AWS and Kubernetes CLI packed in a Docker container. It can be used with a wide range of operating systems and allows your DevOps to avoid wasting time on boring preparation procedures, concentrating on the infrastructure operations instead. As this container can be extended with any set of tools, it is not a “complete solution” of sorts. It is more of a way to approach the software deployment.
Serverless computing, a possible game-breaker in the software development field
While being quite a recent addition to the DevOps toolkit, serverless computing gains lots of traction rapidly. Represented by the solutions like Amazon’s AWS Lambda, IBM Open Whisk and Microsoft Azure Functions, this cloud computing execution model forms the basis for a new field in the industry, Functions-as-a-Service or FaaS.
When the cloud service provider dynamically manages the resources delivered and consumers pay only for the resources used by the application, deployment costs can plummet, thus allowing doing more for the same price. Serverless computing presents a potential for many IT organizations abandon spending on the infrastructure completely, concentrating solely on the software development and delivery instead.
While we think these 3 hot DevOps trends will come to full force in 2018 only, every goal-oriented business and decision-maker should keep a close eye on them, as they can transform the way DevOps services are delivered worldwide. For example, the Chinese developers are actively mastering Kubernetes, as Google trends clearly show. What does it mean for the evolution of DevOps as a service? We’ll find out quite soon, so keep an eye on the events!