Travel for work or work for travel?
«All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware», said Martin Buber once. Our business trip to the Netherlands was such a journey.
No doubt, the world of modern technologies doesn’t stand still. New devices, programs, and services give us a lot of possibilities to stay in charge with people from different countries and even from different continents. Mobile phones and video conferencing displace live communication. However, let’s not forget about the conversation about the conversation in-person, which engages the traveling. It also has a lot of advantages.
The part of the IT Svit team, developers Anton and Alexey, were happy to accept the invitation that came from a faraway city of Amsterdam. The trip was quickly approved and the process of preparation began.
Of course, the main purpose was business. The guys were requested to make the preliminary presentation of their new project. The things were going well and at the end of February, the plane left Kharkiv. Everything was organized: the customers took care of the flight, meeting and a little office tour. Anton and Alexey were taken straight from the airport and driven to the corporate housing.
Initially, this trip was expected as a chance of live communication with the people who make the same business. The Amsterdam team proved to be multinational so the guys gained an experience of communication with people from Spain, Mexico and many other countries. Thanks to the knowledge of English, there was no language barrier and all the necessary topics were discussed. It was confirmed that the conversation in-person is much more productive than the phone calls and video conferencing.
Conclusions on our business trip to Amsterdam
Despite the cloudy and cold days Anton and Alexey explored Amsterdam and were struck by the beauty and the cleanliness of the city. Moreover, the local people surprised them with hospitality and kindness. This trip was a successful and useful one. Our staff is happy to share all the impressions in details because such a kind of cooperation is worth attention and practice. IT Svit is open to live communication and glad to underline the importance of the business trips. What can be more pleasant than the travelling, while working?