English Courses in IT Svit
Do you speak English? Suppose, if you work in IT you probably have no choice. Many companies in IT field work with foreign markets and customers, so English is the only language for connecting international co-workers and high English level is a must. However, have they ever had situations when a newcomer has all the necessary skills for a particular job, but his level of English is not quite brilliant? I bet they have. The only right solution here is not always obvious.
From one hand, a company can find a more suitable candidate for this job with a more impressive English level thus minimizing negative impact related to language barriers.
From the other hand, a candidate with perfect English may also have the lack of some optional skills. Is it a vicious circle? Nope.
The third way (not the most obvious one) is to improve language skills of the most suitable candidate (who has some “speaking troubles”). It will give a strategic advantage to a company and bring confidence in performing different internal tasks.
It Svit keeps pace with time in this aspect because English is an inseparable part of our workdays. Furthermore, it plays a vital role in maintaining and improving our employees’ proficiency.
The importance of English language can’t be underestimated, so we want to make our teammates happier and more efficient with the help of in-house English courses. They [courses] create an informal and friendly atmosphere and we feel just like kids while listening to our highly-qualified teacher. She is also our mentor, whose experience inspires us towards new horizons not only in English, but also in team building. And unlike Cameron Diaz’s case, it’s not about the money 🙂