6 Challenges Where Adopting DevOps Model Can Help
DevOps is a kind of software development methodology, aimed at establishing a stable production cycle by organizing the most effective interaction between the IT company departments.
In other words, the task of DevOps Engineer is to ensure the exchange of knowledge and techniques between specialists to provide high efficiency and coordinated work. DevOps philosophy can be expressed by the following phrase: “Only by understanding what methods and technologies my colleagues use in the project, I can understand how my actions will affect the process of product development as a whole.” The result of the DevOps adoption is an integral development process, where all the individual elements are tightly linked. This results in a high-quality product with a perfectly seamless architecture and faster delivery.
Implementing DevOps: 6 Major Challenges it Helps Solve
What product development and release-related tasks can be resolved with the introduction of the DevOps service?
Low level of interaction between experts is the main reason for the slowdowns in the development process. For example, when introducing new tools into the coding, developers often do not fully understand how it will affect the testing process and, consequently, the project release date. DevOps methodology allows automatic processing of incoming applications and much faster data and documentation exchange between the departments.
Fast error correction
Another task that DevOps solves is creating conditions for automated testing aimed at quick detection and rapid correction of errors. Such a result is achieved by establishing teamwork to solve the arising problems: with DevOps, bugs are not made by strangers — the united team is working on the whole project, not its parts.
All the processes that can be automated, must be automated. Not only the development and testing of the product, but many other teamwork aspects must be supplied with automation, including the various processes like documentation handling, logging, reporting, etc.
When different departments concentrate on inherent tasks only, the very logic of the product creation process can be disrupted. The implementation of DevOps, more than anything, helps organize the integration and increases the reliability of the application creation process.
Productive communication
Product success depends not only on the development team, but also on commercial departments. Only the well-selling product that brings revenues can be considered successful. Misunderstanding of the economic components of the process by developers, as well as misunderstanding of the development specifics by marketers can lead to the creation of a poor-quality app or low sales. DevOps model will help establish effective interaction between departments for the solution of common problems.
DevOps tools and techniques help provide such working conditions for the application creation process, which will be, on one hand, most comfortable for the participants, and on the other hand, most effective for the project as a whole.
Today, the development and release of new applications relies primarily on teamwork, and not just qualifications of individual developers. A competent approach to staff management and the establishment of productive interaction between departments can make a really productive team out of disjointed crew of specialists.