IT Svit and Sports
As you all know (and it has never been a secret), IT has, probably, the greatest number of highly-paid jobs, but these jobs imply constant interaction with computers and this may be a problem.
Despite the fact that computers become more and more innovative every year, they’re still harmful to people because of a sedentary lifestyle and that is the case when health cannot be measured in money.
To give their employees a new breath of fresh air in this high resolution world, different companies organize internal gyms, sport competitions, quests, or strongly encourage other active lifestyle preferences. As another example, companies can provide free access to gyms, swimming pools or even compensate charges related to this kind of activities. As an exception, some people can buy fitness trackers (like fitbits, misfit, etc.) and exercise on their own.
No need to say that IT Svit company is not staying aside. Among the most common activities of our employees we can note Thai boxing, MMA, cycling, yoga and gym. And that’s great! Our newcomers and those who are not yet involved, we encourage participation in our “active life”. For example, this fall we’re going to launch Muay Thai free of charge class , to transform anger and fury into a defensive power or any other positive manner.
So, work smart, train hard and never back down!