
3 min - News

Karazin Winter School on Data Analysis

Good news everyone!
IT Svit is a claimed speaker in the Karazin Winter School on Data Analysis!

10 min - Articles

15 Mortal Sins When Launching a Startup

It is very difficult to launch a startup whatever beneficial, profitable and attractive effect it may have. Today, let’s focus on the main mistakes that can lead cool startups to a bankruptcy.

10 min - Articles

Startup development strategies and factors

Development strategy is one of the most important steps when launching a startup besides a creative idea itself. It should be thoroughly created in order to describe all the steps the startup will go through, what benefits it provides, as well as consider an alternative strategy if something goes wrong. Let’s deep in more details. 

10 min - Articles

Startup Ideas: Bullshit vs Brilliant

Good startup ideas are a basis for investments, but great ideas can be even more successful and influential to the target market. Is it possible to determine at early stages which idea is good enough for a successful startup and which one is awful and is not worth a penny? Let’s find this out. 

6 min - Articles

Startups. What do we know about them?

It is fairly well known that startup businesses make serious money. You can figure out this by numerous successes of startup companies, their quick advance on the commercial market and rumors about huge investments. Why does all this happen?

7 min - Articles

Why modern search engines are ugly?

What search engine do you use? Let me guess! In the majority of cases ‘search engine’ term is associated with Google. But… are you always satisfied with search results? Probably, not. Let’s find out why this happens and why the search index is getting worse.

4 min - Articles

Data Science For Insurance Companies: Beneficial Approaches

As we mentioned in the first article of this series [Data Science For Insurance Companies], Data Science brings some valuable benefits to different areas across insurance sector. Let’s describe these beneficial approaches in more details.

4 min - Articles

Financial Risk Modeling

3 min - Articles

English Courses in IT Svit

3 min - Articles

IT Svit and Sports

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